We can ship all items virtually anywhere in the world. We ship primarily within the United States. If you live in the United States, but not in the continental United States, additional shipping costs may need to be applied. This includes but is not limited to Hawaii, Alaska, the US Virgin Islands, and others including APO locations.
We cannot ship to a PO Box.
If additional shipping is required, we will contact you.
When you place an order, we will estimate shipping and delivery dates for you based on the availability of your items and the shipping options you choose. We use FedEx and the United States Postal Service exclusively. We do not ship UPS, DHL, or any other carrier. Unless specified on the order or selected specifically by the customer, we reserve the right to choose the carrier and service of your order to meet or exceed the delivery window expectations.
FedEx now offers photos of delivery to residential addresses.
Returns, Replacement, and Refund Policy
If we have made a mistake by sending you the wrong product, has a major defect, or processed the order with details NOT on your order by mistake, you may ask for a return and we will either pay for return shipping or just send you out a replacement order, correcting our mistake.
We do not accept returns on orders that do not have major defects, and were made per the order details.
If you need to return an item, or have a replacement please Contact Us with your order number and details about the order. We will respond quickly with instructions for how to return items from your order.