Q: How quickly can I expect to receive my order?
A: In about 1 week. We process orders very quickly. The day after you place an order, we are working on it, and it will likely get shipped out two days after you have placed it. If it is a smaller order, it will ship First Class which takes 3-5 days to deliver, or FedEx 2 Day which takes 2 days to deliver. If it is a larger order, it will ship FedEx Home Delivery which is typically 2-3 days. If you add production time and delivery time, most orders will deliver within 1 week.
Q: What are you shipping rates?
A: I hate overpaying on shipping and can help save you money. Feel free to ask us, but please provide us your zip code. I ONLY use USPS for smaller orders and use FedEx for larger orders. It is actually less expensive to ship FedEx and you have better service. Reach out to us if you are ordering in bulk.
Q: What size are your beach towels?
A: 30"x60" which are large for adults as well.
Q: Do you provide discounts for bulk orders?
A: Yes. Please let us know exactly what you would like including quantity, personalization, when you need the order by, and your shipping information, and we will get back to you with a quote.
Q: How do I give you the name I want on my items?
A: When you are checking out, there is a place to type notes to us. If you miss it, you can always send us a conversation with the information.
Q: What if there is a problem with my order?
A: Please reach out to us on our Contact Us page and give us the details, and we will get back to you with a solution.